

A plugin for XCode 6 that supports newer versions of GCC

A plugin for XCode 6 that supports newer versions of GCC - hmazhar/xcode-gcc.

Alcatraz 與常用的Xcode plugins

2015年11月25日 — Xcode plugins 真的有很多很多,不止上面列的這些,不妨花點時間找找看有沒有符合需求的plugin ,讓Xcode 更便利更好用吧。

Extending Xcode 6 with plugins

2014年10月21日 — A quick guide of the main topics when creating an Xcode plugin.

How to Add plugin for Xcode 6+

2014年12月22日 — 1 Answer 1 · Right click on plugin file > Show Package Contents · Find and edit the Info.plist file. · In DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs add the ...

Is it currently possible to use SPM plugins with Xcode?

2022年4月25日 — I'm wondering if anyone had successfully used SPM plugins with Xcode. It seems there is some support to it, since I've managed to apply a ...

ohmyzshpluginsxcodexcode.plugin.zsh at master

A delightful community-driven (with 2300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, ...


The Xcode Plugin generate files that are used by the Xcode IDE to open Gradle projects into Xcode ( File - Open…​ ). The generated Xcode project delegates build ...

Xcode 15

Xcode 15 enables you to develop, test, and distribute apps for all Apple platforms. Code and design your apps faster with enhanced code completion, interactive ...

Xcode Plugins 安裝與移除

2014年4月6日 — Xcode Plugins 安裝與移除. Xcode可以加裝套件來增加原本的功能,在使用此必需要先了解一下基本的安裝與移除方式。

[ 筆記] Xcode + Ionic Build IOS App (with Firebase Plugin)

2020年10月30日 — 6. Build ios. 確認是否有獲取certificate 檔案,至少開啟過一次(啟動). 需在Xcode 中設定. Xcode 中設定certification,出現紅框中警告表示沒有 ...